You will be able to identify the difference between HTML, PHP and JavaScript
You will be able to add PHP to a webpage to increase the functionality of the page.
Read: W3Schools Tutorial on PHP7 (Home through Operators)
Read: W3Schools Tutorial on PHP 7 Forms
Read: PHP7 MySQL Database (Database through Create Table)
Review: Note 5 from this Class
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Amazon.Com and MyYahoo are two examples of Dynamic Web sites that are created on demand by accessing a database and template.
We will be using a MySQL database with a table
PHP: Pre-Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Declaration <?php
echo "PHP Code goes here";
?>Code block can start anywhere PHP Variable Declaration $txt="I love PHP"; All variables in PHP start with a
$ sign symbol and then must have a letter or an underscorePHP Echo echo "Displaying PHP text"; echo displays on the screen instead of document.write() for Javascript
- PHP is a server-side scripting language like ASP but is open source (unlike ASP)
- PHP scripts are executed on the server (like ASP)
- PHP supports many databases but the database of choice is MySQL because it is open source.
- PHP has more functionality than ASP because of the open source developer base!
- PHP runs on Apache and IIS web servers while ASP runs only on IIS.
PHP, ASP, MySql, Databases, Fields