You will be able to modify a Sound using Audacity
You will be able to add Sound to an Animation
You will be able to use a Symbol created in another file.
Hippo Bond Animation Created in the earlier video
Watch: Sound Tutorial
Read: Chapter 11 and do the exercises at the end of each chapter.
Review: Sound Effects, Special Effects, Royalty Free, and TV Tunes sound websites (Beware of Viruses)
Post: Two interesting Sounds on Canvas under the Discussion Board under Sounds. You should also look for different sounds to use for future assignments.
Post: Ad in Canvas
VIP Tech issue: Sound must be imported after frame two or it won't work!
Sound Editing Softare: Audacity and Adobe's Audition
Canvas doesn't have the same sound controls as ActionScript 3.0. You can start a sound but not stop until it is over like you can do with ActionScript setting.
Exporting as an .MP4 (or .mov) requires you to stream the audio in the animation instead of the event setting.
Use Google to search for Sound Files (beware of viruses and copyright issues.)
I like Absolute Sound Effects Archive (except for the pop-ups) or Royalty Free Music for Education at
WAV (Windows only)
AIFF (Macintosh only)
MP3 (Windows or Macintosh)
If you have QuickTime 4 or later installed on your system, you can import these additional sound file formats:
AIFF (Windows or Macintosh)
Sound Designer II (Macintosh only)
Sound Only QuickTime Movies (Windows or Macintosh)
Sun AU (Windows or Macintosh)
System 7 Sounds (Macintosh only)
WAV (Windows or Macintosh)