You will be able to identify the different type of fonts.
You will be able to add Text to a Path.
You will be able to add Text Warp to Text
You will be able to change the Spacing and Alignment of Text.
Modifying a graphic
Watch: Text and Shapes
Watch: Puppet Warp tutorial
Read: Chapter 6 in your book and doing the assinments at the end of the chapter.
Post: Run for Office assignment using the tools mentioned above and post on Canvas under the Assignments - Run for Office. Remember PSD (keep all the layers) can be any size but JPG has to be under 100K!
Pictures used: Model, Homer, Apple Logo, and Steve Jobs
What every girl should know about pictures of models in magazines and on the webs!! Model notes on changes you can make.
Two types of Fonts are:
Layer Masks, Vector Masks & Channels