You will be able to identify the difference between Bitmap and Vector Graphics
You will be able to create shapes using the Shape tool
You will be able to create shapes using the Pen Tool.
Pen Tool: When it comes to making selections in Photoshop, there's really two types of people - those who know how to use the Pen Tool, and those who struggle. (I struggle. )
Watch: Smart Object Tutorial.
Watch: Creating Shapes
Watch: Changing the Color of a Shape
Watch: Bitmap vs Vector (Shape Tool)
Read: Chapter 8 in your book and doing the assinments at the end of the chapter.
Post: Recreate the Vector Lady using the tools mentioned above and post on Canvas under the Assignments -Vector Lady Remember PSD (keep all the layers) can be any size but JPG has to be under 100K!
Pictures used: straight path, curved path and a combination of path, and Vector Lady.
3 times when to add anchor points.
- The curve is greater than 90 degrees
- Changing direction of the curve
- Hard Corner
You can use the pen tool with Shape, Path or Pixels. If you use the shape tool, you can change the opacity by clicking a number on the key pad.
Review: Karol Banach Pen and Selection tools in Action (Watch this before doing your post and it will save you time)
Vector vs Bitmap, Pen Tool