Learning Objectives:

You will be able to create a 3D image using 3D Presets

You will be able to create 3D text

You will be able to modify 3D pictures by changing the lighting

Class Videos:


Generative Fill: (3 minutes into video)

Watch: 3D Objects

Watch: Generative Fill intro video.

Adobe Disabled 3D in the latest versions. Go to https://helpx.adobe.com/Photoshop/kb/3d-faq.html for instructions on how to unlock 3D.

Homework: 3D settings

Unlock 3D: Go to https://helpx.adobe.com/Photoshop/KB/3d-faq.html for instructions for instructions on how to unlock 3D. 

Read: Chapter 15 in your book and doing the assignments at the end of the chapter.

Post: Photo modified with Generative Fill 

Extra Credit:  The 3D Graphic using the tools mentioned above and post on Canvas under the Assignments - 3D Graphic
Remember PSD (keep all the layers) can be any size but JPG has to be under 100K!

Additional Information:



Render, Light and Gradients

X, Y, and Z axis


Dr. Jon Storslee
Phone: 602-787-6734

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Paradise Valley Community CollegeĀ 
18401 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85032