You will be able to identify the differenes between PHP and ASP
You will be able to identify a site that uses dynamically generated websites
You will be able to create a simple PHP webpage.
Review: Wikipedia info on ASP and PHP
Review: W3schools PHP site
Create: Dynamically Generated PHP webpage using a database
PhpED Editor that is very easy to use but we will be using Dreamweaver or Notepad ++
PHP: Pre Hypertext Preprocessor
PHP Declaration <?php
echo "Hello World";
?>Code block can start anywhere PHP Variable Declaration $txt="Hello World";All variables in PHP start with a
$ sign symbol and then must have aletter or an underscorePHP Echo echo "Hello World";echo displays on the screen instead of document.write() for Javascript Any data you obtain for a user, you should filter (validate). PHP has great tools to validate your data
- PHP is a server-side scripting language like ASP but is open source (unlike ASP)
- PHP scripts are executed on the server (like ASP)
- PHP supports many databases but the database of choice is MySQL because it is open source.
- PHP has more functionality than ASP because of the open source developer base!
- PHP runs on Apache and IIS webservers while ASP runs only on IIS.
ASP, PHP, SQL, Oracle, DB2, Access