You will be able to identify what will be on the Quiz
How to unzip a folder
Try: Practice Quiz inside Canvas
Read: Chapter 9 in your book
Review: Your homework
Reminder: Post your articles on Canvas under the Weekly Articles on the Discussion Board Section.Quiz is open book, web and notes but not Open Neighbor
Remember: Your Instructor is very lazy. If I take the time and energy to create a note page, the information on the page must be important. Other Possible topics will be:
What is the Internet?
What is TCP/IP?
How does a Browser work?
What is a plug-in?
How does a search engine work and Bots?
What is SMTP and why is it important?
What is HTTP and why is it important?
What is FTP and why is it important?
What are the problems associated with the Internet?
What is IM and Chat?
What is a newsgroup?
What is e-commerce?