Learning Objectives:

You will learn how to modify a webpage using CSS.

You will be able to identify the difference between internal, inline, and external CSS.


Post: Polish up the Homework Page using CSS and graphics

Read:  Chapters 6 & 7

Watch: Layout Design

Watch: How to use ChatGPT (A great way to create placeholder text that is relevant.)

Review: CSS W3schools Cover CSS Home to CSS Box Model

Watch: How the Homework Page Works

The homework file name is now index.html


Your homework page needs to have all the links set up for class. The homework file name is now index.html

Validation link: <p> <a href="https://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade"><img src="images/valid-html5.png" alt="HTML Valid"/></a>

Watch: How to update Validation Link and Check Validation



Watch: CSS intro movie


Reminder: Post your articles on Canvas under the Weekly Articles on the Discussion Board Section.

ChatGPT is a cool tool using AI

Additional Information:

directory Structure of root directory

The CSS Box Model

CSS Box Method

CSS: Adding Style to the Web

3 ways to attach a style sheet! Internal, External, and inline Style Sheets

Syntax for Internal and External Styles:

selector {property: value}

Example: h3 {color: #FF0000} 
This changes all h3's font color to Red (#FF0000)
You can apply multiple styles at once by separating them with a ; (semi colon)

Example: h3 
   color: #FF0000;
   font-family: Arial; 

Internal Styles use the style tag inside the head section of your webpage(Change the color of the h3 text and size of the font (text) inside a p tag)

<style type="text/css">

body { background-image: url("suns.jpg"); font-family:arial;}

h3 {color: #FF0000;}

p { font-size: 150%}


External Styles are called by using the Link tag

Example: <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="file-name_of_stylesheet.css" />


Inline styles are placed inside the tag (element) as an attribute!

Example: <p style="font-family: arial; font-size:1.1em;">




CSS, link, internal styles, external styles, selector, property, value


Dr. Jon Storslee
Phone: 602-787-6734

HTML Valid

Paradise Valley Community CollegeĀ 
18401 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85032