Learning Objectives:

You will be able to identify the basic structure of a HTML in a Web Page

You will be able to create a Web page that has an image and links to another page on the Internet.

You will be able to identify who Tim Bernes Lee is and how he contributed to the Web

You will be able to identify who Marc Andersen is and how he contributed to the Web

You will be able to identify the basic structure of an URL.

You will be able to identify the basic structure of an email address.


Watch: The Good Warriors How the Internet Works

Play with Star Trek Ipsum Text Generator

Post on the Web (next week) using the files inside Website zip file

 Browser Review: Compare and contrast the features of three differnt browsers plus tell me which one you like and why you like it over the others!  You will use HTML for the Browser Review page and next week  you will FTP the page into your webspace.

Go Over: W3schools HTML Go through HTML Home to HTML Colors plus HTML Links & HTML Images.

Watch: Browser Wars (The history of Web Browsers)

Review: How Browsers Work

Read:  Chapters 2

Watch: Class 2 notes

All Projects must be validated!

HTML 5 Valid Use this icon for HTML 5 and link to the validation if you are using HTML5

Reminder: Post your articles on Canvas under the Weekly Articles on the Discussion Board Section.

Additional information:

Marc Andersen creator of Mosaic, the first graphical browser.

An URL could have one of these values:

  • An absolute URL – points to another web site <a href=”http://www.apple.com/” (avoid using on the same website)
  • A relative URL – points to a file within a web site <a href=”browser.html”
  • Jump within the webpage <a href=”#top”> 
  • Other protocols <a href= "mailto:jons@jon.com">  (send an email once clicked)

W3Schools review & Browser Statistics





apple Safari

Apple's Safari

google Chrome

Google Chrome



Mozilla's Fire Fox


Email broken into parts!

HTML: Hyper-Text Markup Language HTTP: Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol


Our Webspace is on https://cis133.com

Review the following:

Popular extensions on the Web are: htm, html, asp, jsp, shtml, xml, cfm, php

The first browser on the Internet was Gopher and it was Text Based. Gopher was created by the U of Minnesota.


HTML Elements and attributes covered <h1>, <p>, <a>,<img>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> and <style> intro!


Plan ahead: Rent, Buy or Borrow (Library or Friend) one of these movies or a similar movie:

 HER, Live Free or Die Hard, The Net, The Terminator series, Hackers, Sneakers, Surrogates or Avatar, or the TV show Person of Interest, Mr. Robot, or Black Mirror (internet episodes). 

Post on Canvas a brief description of the movie and mention how realistic the movie was as of today plus do you think this could happen in real life(today or in the future.) You can get previews of the movies at IMDB (Internet Movie Data Base) website or Google them on the web.


World Wide Web Consortium sets standards for tools on the Internet! Tim Berners-Lee is the father of the Web!

Marc Andersen creator of Mosaic and Netscape


Welcome to the HTML Tag Game

The HTML Tag Game!

Start tags start with < and ends with > 
Example: <p>

The end tag starts with </ and ends with > 
Example: </p>

Some Tags don't have normal endings

<img src="picture.jpg" alt="picture" />

<br />

Every Webpage should include the following tags:


<head> (except Frames)




We investigated the many ways you can Customize Your Browser and Save Web addresses! I also showed you tricks in Internet Explorer that will save you time.

View > Source shows you how the Web Page is created!



File extensions: htm, html, asp, and php, URL, Domain name, DNS Server, e-mail address, POP (Post office Protocol) and IMAP hosting service and ISP


Dr. Jon Storslee
Phone: 602-787-6734

HTML Valid

Paradise Valley Community College 
18401 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85032