
Fall 2024  CIS120DB Illustrator

Dr. Jon Storslee

Office Hours


Phone: 602-787-6734

Class No: 34179  8 Week in E-142

Class Notes Topic Read Assignment Due Pts

You must Introduce Yourself on the Discussion Board and take the Quiz inside Canvas by 10/20, or I drop you from class so you can get a refund!

I am very sorry to tell you we no longer offer Illustrator to our students at home. You can rent it from Adobe at
(The student version is the same as the full version). You are welcome to come to campus and use the computers there for free.  

10/16 Note 1 Class intro & Canvas Getting Started & Quick Tour Resources 10/21 20
10/16 Note 2 Text and Images Chapter 1 & 2 Name 10/21 50
10/21 Note 3 Shape Tools Chapter 3 & 4 Picture 10/28 50
10/21 Note 4 Pen Tool Chapter 5

Face Painting

Post Trick





10/28 Note 5 Pencil & Drawing Animals

Draw Cartoon
Chapter 6

Cartoon Animal

Post Favorite Logo





10/28 Note 6 Symbols Chapter 8 & 13 Post Card 11/4 50
11/4 Note 7 Typography Chapter 7 & 11

Run for office




Note 8

Note 9

Pencil & Brush Tools

Eraser and Filters

Chapter 9 & 10


Business Card






Open Lab - Veterans Day


Note 10

Note 11

3D Intro

Perspective Tool

Chapter 11 & 12


Final Project





11/18 Note 12 Web Page Layout Chapter 14 & 15

Web Page

Ai Generated Art






Enjoy Thanksgiving - No More Late Homework

12/2 Note 13 Chart and Graph Tools


Bar Graph and Line Graph


Final is due 12/8

Consider Going for the Adobe Foundations Certificate
Illustrator CC Book

Adobe Illustrator Classroom in a Book 2024

ISBN: 978-0138263829

Author: Wood



To attend an in-person class session, all students must follow safety protocols and observe social distancing guidelines. A face covering is required to attend in-person class meetings. If the COVID restrictions and conditions change, this class may need to transition to one of our virtual modalities. For information regarding appropriate face coverings and protocols, please visit our COVID website: In the case of COVID-19 exposure or potential exposure, the course may need to temporarily or permanently transition to the online format. These policies will remain in effect for the entire semester or until further direction from health officials. Paradise Valley Community College values the delivery of quality education as well as the health and safety of all employees and students. Please stay home if you are feeling ill. If you have been confirmed positive, experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or believe you have been exposed to COVID-19, you must self-report to Maricopa Community Colleges Risk Management by using the COVID-19 reporting forms here.

Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment. MCCCD requires all employees, including faculty, to notify the Title IX Coordinator of any reports/complaints they receive regarding sex discrimination, sex-based harassment, and retaliation that occur on property and activities controlled by MCCCD. Examples of sex discrimination: sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy and parenting discrimination. Examples of sex-based harassment: quid pro quo, hostile environment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual misconduct. Please know that your instructor is required to share any reports made to them. If you would like to report your complaint to someone without it being reported to the Title IX Coordinator, you may contact the MCCCD Ombuds at Additional information on Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment, is located at:

 Pregnancy & Parenting: MCCCD also requires all MCCCD employees, including faculty, who become aware of a student’s pregnancy or related condition to provide the student with the Title IX Coordinator’s (TIXC) contact information and communicate that the TIXC can help take specific actions to prevent discrimination and ensure equal access to MCCCD’s education program and activity. Additional information on Pregnancy and Parenting rights and protections is located here:

 To report sex discrimination, sex-based discrimination or request adjustments for pregnancy or related conditions:

Official Absences

MCCCD policy states that:
Official absences are those that occur when students are involved in an official activity of the college, i.e., field trips, tournaments, athletic events, and present an official absence excuse form. Absences for such events shall not count against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  Students who must miss a class for an official reason must obtain an official absence verification card from the appropriate dean or associate dean and present it to the appropriate instructor(s) before the absence. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up work. If prior arrangements have been made, the students will not be penalized.

Other official absences include jury duty and subpoenas.  Appropriate documentation will be required.  Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for makeup work.  If prior arrangements have been made, the students will not be penalized.

In the event of the death of an immediate family member, absences for periods of up to one week will not be counted against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  Students should contact instructor(s) as soon as possible to arrange for make-up work.  Appropriate documentation will be required (for example, a copy of the obituary or funeral program).  In specialized programs that require clinical rotations, this regulation may not apply.

Religious Holidays

MCCCD policy states that:
Students shall have the right to observe major religious holidays without penalty or reprisal by any administrator, faculty member or employee of the Maricopa Community Colleges.  Absences for such holidays shall not count against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  At least one week before the holiday, students shall submit to their instructor(s) a written statement that includes both the date of the holiday and the reason why class attendance is impossible.  Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up work.  If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized.

Code of Conduct

Students engaging in the following are subject to disciplinary sanctions outlined in the PVCC Catalog, Student Policies Section.

  • Acts of Dishonesty; examples include:
    • Plagiarism (you will be dropped)
    • Furnishing false information
    • Falsifying records related to coursework
    • Forgery, alteration, misuse of any college document
    • Tampering with the election of any college-recognized official
  • Disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or college activities.  The instructor will remove a student from class for disciplinary reasons and not allowed to return.
  • Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person.
  • Attempted or actual theft
  • Failure to comply with direction of college officials or law enforcement officers
  • Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any college premises
  • Violation of federal, state, or local laws on college campus or at college sponsored activities
  • Use, possession or distribution of narcotics or other controlled substances
  • Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, or public intoxication
  • Illegal or unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives, weapons, or dangerous chemicals
  • Participation in a college demonstration that disrupts the normal operations of the college
  • Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises
  • Conduct which is disorderly, lewd or indecent
  • Theft or other abuse of computer time
  • Abuse of the judicial system

Policy on Cheating:

You can give the student a 0 for the assignment, or an F for the semester. You can also send the student to the Dean of Academic Affairs for probation or dismissal from the college.

Students will be notified by the instructor of any changes in course requirements or policies.

Withdrawal Policy:

Business/IT Division recommended policy states that instructors may withdraw students who accumulate unofficial absences in excess of the number of times a class meets per week. On-line students who do not participate (turn in assignments) will be withdrawn. Students may withdraw themselves without an instructor’s signature, see date in Maricopa. If a student requests a withdrawal after the self-withdraw period, the instructor may withdraw a student with a Y if the cumulative grade is failing at that point.


Only persons who are registered for the class may attend that class.  Attendance requirements are determined by the course instructor.  Students who do not meet the attendance requirement, as determined by the course instructor, may be withdrawn.

Students who fail to attend the first scheduled class meeting, or to contact the instructor regarding absence before the first scheduled class meeting may at the option of the instructor be withdrawn.

At the beginning of each course, each faculty member will provide students with written attendance requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to consult with the instructor regarding official or unofficial absences.  Absences begin to accumulate with the first scheduled class meeting.

Students bear the responsibility of notifying the Office of Admissions and Records when they discontinue studies in a course or at the college.  Refer to the Withdrawal Procedures.

Student Handbook & Catalog:

All policies in the PVCC College Catalog, the PVCC Student Handbook, and specifically listed in this syllabus, apply to this course. Please consult the current PVCC College Catalog and Student Handbook and be familiar with all PVCC College and Maricopa Community College District policies.

Student Maricopa E-mail policy:

Your e-mail account is the official form of communication between PVCC and you.  You are responsible for reading college messages and responding accordingly. You should check your account for official college/district messages and information regarding tuition and fees.

Classroom Etiquette:
Cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class instruction. Please arrive on time and listen respectfully while the instructor or other class members are speaking. Taping of lectures is allowed but please ask for permission from the instructor. Food and drink are not permitted in the classroom.

Students are responsible for the information contained in this syllabus!

CIS 120DB Course Competencies and Homework

Hours outside of Class

This class is an hybrid format and the average student will probably need 12 to 15 hours outside of class to complete homework.


This Class is competency based. The Faculty within the district decide the competencies and I use them to create the objectives. The assignments for the class are designed to meet the objectives and demonstrate your ability to meet the competencies.

Class Procedure and Homework

Software instruction will usually take place in a classroom equipped with computers. You will be responsible for additional lab time outside of class to complete homework assignments and to prepare for tests.

I accept late assignments but they will be penalized so don't procrastinate. I will not grade more than 2 late assignments!

For Your Protection:

It is your responsibility to SAVE your assignments in a folder, on your computer or another removable media.  Keep these copies in a safe place until you have received your final grade.

Student Disabilities:
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations are encouraged to contact the Disability Resource Center, KSC-Building -119, 602.787.7170.

Official Absences

MCCCD policy states that:
Official absences are those that occur when students are involved in an official activity of the college, i.e., field trips, tournaments, athletic events, and present an official absence excuse form. Absences for such events shall not count against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  Students who must miss a class for an official reason must obtain an official absence verification card from the appropriate dean or associate dean and present it to the appropriate instructor(s) before the absence. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up work. If prior arrangements have been made, the students will not be penalized.

Other official absences include jury duty and subpoenas.  Appropriate documentation will be required.  Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for makeup work.  If prior arrangements have been made, the students will not be penalized.

In the event of the death of an immediate family member, absences for periods of up to one week will not be counted against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  Students should contact instructor(s) as soon as possible to arrange for make-up work.  Appropriate documentation will be required (for example, a copy of the obituary or funeral program).  In specialized programs that require clinical rotations, this regulation may not apply.

Religious Holidays

MCCCD policy states that:
Students shall have the right to observe major religious holidays without penalty or reprisal by any administrator, faculty member or employee of the Maricopa Community Colleges.  Absences for such holidays shall not count against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department.  At least one week before the holiday, students shall submit to their instructor(s) a written statement that includes both the date of the holiday and the reason why class attendance is impossible.  Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up work.  If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized.

Grading Scale: (Yes I round up!)
90 – 100%                   A
80 –  89%                    B
70 –  79%                    C
55 –  69%                    D
less than 60%             F  (I will drop you if you fall behind to avoid an F)

Homework Per Week

You should expect to spend between 5 to 9 hours per week for this class!

Your homework is not late until I finish grading the class!

I accept late assignments but I may not grade it until the end of the semester. You will receive only 70% of the grade you would have received if you turned the work in on time!


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Dr. Jon Storslee
Phone: 602-787-6734

HTML Valid

Paradise Valley Community College 
18401 N. 32nd Street Phoenix, AZ 85032