You will be able identify different Social Media Sites.
You will be able identify how Social Media Sites can help sales.
You will be able to describe the difference between Portal and Vortal.
You need to include a Social Media compnent in your SEO and Marketing Plan
Read: Book IV Chapters 2 & 5
Review: Social Media case studies. (Pick two or three that are the closest to your business.)
Read: Social Media Marketing Industry Report of the report. (Sorry, but you must download the report from this site)
Read: Social Media Report Guidlines
Read: Social Media Marketing
Review: Wikipedia description of how Affiliate marketing drives business to your site.
Reminder: Post your articles on Canvas under the Weekly Articles on the Discussion Board Section.
Social Media Sites:
Twitter: Text about your product plus offer coupons! Use Twitter to market your products.
FaceBook: Show off your information & connect with like minded people. How to use Facebook.
Linkedin: Business connects, share ideas, and discover opportunities.
Pinterest: Discover ideas for any project or interest, hand-picked by people like you.
Youtube: Free video of people using your produce. Create videos that promote your company while being entertaining!
Blogging: Tell the world about all the cool ways to use your product.
Internet Radio: A radio station you can broadcast about your products or services.
CrowdSourcing: Find resources for your business
The top Social Media Sites according to Ebiz
Affiliate marketing:
Wikipedia describes how Affiliate marketing drives business to your site.
Google AdSense is way to get paid for refering business to other companies.
Yahoo Search Marketing is another way to get paid for refering business to other companies.
Amazon Associates is an affiliate programs for referals to the numerous amazon companies.
Portal vs Vortals:
Examples of a Portals are Yahoo, MSN, AZCentral and Netscape.
Think of a Portal as a launching pad or an organizer for your Internet experience. Most Portals offer a wide variety of services that will entice you to use their site.Find Law is an example of a Vortal for Lawyers.
Vortal are like Portals except they tend to be industry specific. One major difference is portals are typically designed Business to Business commerce whereas Portals are designed for Business to Consumer commerce.
Portal, Vortal, Referral Programs, Kiosks, Blogs, Social Networks