Guests: Bob Bendotti, Nino Pascolatti, Millard Lee, Casey Durandet, Lynda Santiago, Scott Massey, Maria Barrillas, Janet Downey, Sally Rings, Ned Miner, Dr. Cardenas, Paul Dale
Members Absent: Renee Cornell
Presentation By Dr. Paul Dale, Dean of Students -
Overview of Student Services - Dr. Dale defined the service areas included in student services as Admissions and Records, Financial Aid and Job Placement, Assessment, Student Life Center, Athletics, Child Development Center, Student Development/Special Services, Information Processing Center, Academic Advising and College Safety. Paul commented that the Student Life Center will be a collaborative effort and include faculty partnerships.Discussion with Dr. Raul Cardenas, PVCC President -
Dr. Dale also spoke of the Student Services Division goals and initiatives, and explained that these initiatives will require department and interdepartmental issue teams and collaboration with faculty. The most important of these goals are strategies for enhancing new student programs (recruitment and orientation), implementation of AGEC and new degree paths, and the development of facilities for athletics and recreations programs.
Finally, Dr. Dale presented an "Internal Mini Grant Program" which has been designed to support educational, social and cultural programming at PVCC. Faculty will be given the opportunity to gain financial support ($300-$400 per proposal) to bring speakers, lecturers, visual and performing arts to the campus. A flyer and an A-1 regarding this program will be coming out soon to introduce this program to all faculty.
Dr. Cardenas thanked Steve and the senate for the invitation to come to the senate meeting. He noted that we need to work together to deal with campus concerns, and he is always open to faculty input and support.1. Call To Order/Approval of Agenda
The following questions were asked of and answered by Dr. Cardenas:
1. M Building: When will the offices be ready?Dr. Cardenas' response: M Building has been a major headache. It was scheduled to be completed in June but as it stands now he hopes that it will be substantially completed by late December/early January. There are some legal questions that are now being discussed as a result of the delays. Faculty offices should be ready to move into (nearly completed state) by October 8th or 9th, but that date is dependent on fire marshal approval. At that time faculty will have stand-alone computers (not networked) and telephone service. Construction will be continuing for black box theatre and it will not be completed until the end of November. Faculty will be asked not to use the front doors next to the theatre to enter or exit from the office area except in an emergency.2. H Building: When will we get keys and when will the air conditioning be operating?Dr. Cardenas' response: Keys for M Building should be issued next week and the air conditioning system is in the process of being completed. If faculty have problems, send a message to Mary Lou Mosley.3. B,E,H,M: When will these buildings really be finished?Dr. Cardenas' response: I don't really know. H should be substantially complete next week. B and E are ahead of schedule. They were scheduled to be complete in March and January of 99 respectively, but it looks right now like they may be completed by December 98.4. M,H: What is being done to force Cohen to finish these buildings?Dr. Cardenas' response: As I said before, there are some discussions going on at the moment regarding legal issues. The economy is somewhat the cause of the delays because the subcontractors that are available are very busy.5. K: What is going to be done to renovate K Building, when will it start and when will it end?Dr Cardenas' response: There is no money to renovate K Building. We may want to use some capital dollars in the future, but right now there is no bond money left.Academic Leadership:
1. Why not appoint a faculty member as interim DI?Dr. Cardenas' response: Because it is such a short span of time (3 1/2 months), I didn't want to appoint anyone. Gina and Fred along with myself have always operated as a team and we are used to filling in for each other. After January, this won't be an issue. If Fred doesn't come back, I will open up the position and advertise nationally.2. Fred Stahl's office looks cleaned out. Is he really coming back?Dr. Cardenas' response: Dr. Stahl cleaned out his office so that it could be used by someone else if the need arose. Yes, Dr. Stahl is coming back in January.3. What are the roles of the Acting DI and Associate DI during this interim period?Dr. Cardenas' response: The roles of the DI and Associate DI will not change. If you have any concerns that instruction is unattended or if you have instructional issues that are not being addressed, I need to know.4. Who handles disputes between students and faculty members?Mary Lou will handle academic conflicts and Paul Dale will handle non-academic conflicts.Technology:
1. Who is responsible for instructional technology planning, implementation and support on campus?Dr. Cardenas' response: Instructional planning, most of you I hope are providing input. Instructional support is Kathy Hart. Please call her if you'd like to visit with her.2. How were the decisions made for the computer and multimedia facilities in M Building?Dr. Cardenas' response: Faculty gave their input to the technology consultant and the decisions were made.3. Computer support technicians ae few and far between on campus. What is being done to ensure that instructional computer labs, networks, and faculty office computers can be kept up and running?Dr. Cardenas' response: Three positions remain open for support technicians. We have not been able to fill them because the market pays more than we can. We are still trying, perhaps not as fast as you would like, but we are trying and will provide as much support as we can.4. M Building is not the only instructional venue on campus. What is being done to update the instructional technology in the older buildings?Dr. Cardenas' response: M and H have technology budgets because of the bond. Now we are concentrating on those two buildings, but not because we don't care about the rest of you.Other Questions asked:Ned asked about space for Faculty Development. Dr. C will look into space for faculty development but the number one priority is classroom space at the moment.Dr. Cardenas closed with his plea for faculty to stop by his office and talk to him about any concerns in the future. He said that if you have heard something that concerns you, please take the time to ask him about it.Steve pointed out that disciplines who use PC's instead of Mac's for their course presentation materials may eventually be able to find a slot in the high tech classroom in M, but they will not be able to use the instructor stations because they are equipped with Mac's. Dr. C said he will look into it.
A question about additional parking was raised. Dr. C said that we are hoping to put in a parking area in the near future behind the black box theatre.
Dr. Cardenas also commented that we are hoping to get funds from the district for a soccer/baseball/softball fields. The city as been asked to help with the funding in a joint effort. We will also be getting a performing art center between M and the golf course which has been scheduled for the year 2000. Finally, we have been meeting with the city about the west exit to the campus and the dangerous traffic problem. It seems the city is planning to move the exit to the north (Michigan street) and installing a traffic signal in the year 2000.
9/3/98 minutes approved as written.3. Campus Reports
Enrollment Management - Fred Wieck4. Officer's Reports
Recruitment Coordinating Team - Plans are underway to conduct an enrollment analysis of all classes, define market segments, identify several new recruitment activities and identify staffing needs and priorities. The team is hoping to find student alumni and faculty to help with the recruitment efforts. For faculty, this effort could substitute as a committee assignment.Staffing Committee - Hank Mancini
Upon request of the Staffing Committee, Fred Stahl submitted a report that outlined the allocation and filling of faculty slots for the 1998-99 year.
- Five slots were filled from the Staffing Committee prioritized list through the regular budgetary process; Math, Chemistry, CIS, Art, and Education.
- The Chancellor allocated an additional three slots to Paradise Valley. Because the allocation came late, we hired OYO persons for the next three slots recommended by staffing; Math, Engineering (Physics substituted by division chair) and Sociology.
-In addition to these 8, other circumstances arose mid summer when most faculty were not available for extensive consultation-We applied for and got an ESL slot from the chancellor's special international initiatives fund.Employee Development - Bob Bendotti
-Perla Ramirez-Gonzales resigned in counseling. The position is being filled with adjunct faculty for fall and a permanent position is slated for interviews and filling in the spring 99.
-A previously unfilled Human Development Division slot in History was moved to Nutrition and filled in accordance with staffing practices approved by the staffing committee and the President.
-Chris Ferguson's transfer to SCC was filled with a parallel English position.
-Renee Cornell, OYO English faculty was moved to a permanent position to fill an existing (1997/98) English position.
-A formula slot in the 97/98 budget was filled with a permanent mathematics faculty member.
-We accepted an Accounting transfer from PC with dollars from the Chancellor's special international initiatives budget. This took place tangentially to the normal college budget process.
Bob presented to the senate the PVCC Employee & Organizational Development Budget for review. All employees will be receiving a copy of this budget in the mail along with an application to apply for additional funding to support travel, workshops, conferences, etc.
Treasurer's Report - Larry Burgess5. Old Business
Larry reported that the combined balance in the Association checking and savings accounts is $5,617.28. Of the total dollars in the account, $2,065.50 is in the Faculty Association Scholarship Fund (reflecting an addition of $25.00 by donation), and $3,551.78 left in unencumbered Association General Funds. The Treasurer's Report was approved as revised.Secretary's Report - Jeanne Franco - No Report.
President-Elect's Report- Tom Butler
Tom reported that he has volunteered to sit on a FEC committee to investigate the issues and make recommendations to the powers that be regarding which entity will be responsible in the future for issuing Arizona Community College Instructor Certifications. This committee has been formed in response to the state community college board pursuing legislation to remove themselves from the responsibility of certifying instructors.President's Report - Steve Platte
Executive Council
a. The Meet and Confer team is considering several proposals for this year's negotiations. One is restructuring the salary schedule especially for those not receiving steps. In response to concerns fro PV and PC bumping rights for faculty teaching assignments will be proposed. Another concern for Meet & Confer is that many administrative decisions arising from policy governance are not submitted to the Board for review. This is especially true for personnel changes such as transfers, reassignments, and leaves of absence. Other Meet & Confer proposals are also being considered. The specifics of the faculty proposals will be worked out over the next few weeks.b. The Professional Growth Guidelines as revised by the FEC were approved.
c. AAUP I participated in a special meeting on September 10 between FEC representatives and Ruth Flowers from AAUP national office. Her specialty is designing and implementing strategies for working with state legislators, which is going to be an emphasis of the district Faculty Association under the leadership of Bob Galloway. Ms. Flowers will be presenting a legislative workshop for the district FA on election day, November 3.
d. The Faculty Evaluation Plan is being implemented this year and this is causing some confusion among the District, the Deans of Instruction and the faculty. The faculty believe that the district has committed funds to allow reassigned time to faculty FEP facilitators on each campus, but the district and the deans apparently can't agree on the promised funds.
e. Board President's Community Outreach Project: The district Faculty Association is considering participating in a community service project in Spring 1999 being organized by Board President Ed Contreras. This will be discussed further by the FEC since it is not clear what the project will entail and what benefits the faculty would get from participating.
f. Faculty Association dues rebate to the campuses will be increased from $20 to $25 per member this year.
President's Cabinet
a. Concurrent enrollment: Rio has been generating a lot of FTSE (even in the PVCC neighborhood) by offering concurrent enrollment classes in high schools during the school day with high school teachers. Over the past few years faculty at PVCC and throughout the district have been very concerned about concurrent enrollment with regard to academic quality and standards and with instructor certification and hiring. The administration is aware of these concerns but is nonetheless pushing the concept of concurrent enrollment.b. Enrollment management: This continues to be an ongoing concern to the administration and to the faculty. For details please see the Enrollment Management Team report earlier in this agenda.
c. Buildings: The now familiar story continues with the contractor assuring completion by dates that are never met. The administration is working closely with the district and the contractor bonding company to speed things along.
d. Demographics: The president distributed an analysis of the changing demographics of our area and the district as a whole.
e. Administrative changes: Paul Dales moves up from Associate Dean to Dean of Students. Fred Stahl announced that he was going on a personal leave of absence until January 1999. The president has appointed Gina Kranitz as interim DI.
Faculty Seniority - Steve Platte6. New Business
This issue is going to be included in the Meet & Confer process as reported above.Senate Goals - Steve Platte
Senators were asked to continue to review last year's goals and bring back their additions/deletions/changes to the next Senate meeting.Membership Drive - Steve Platte
Larry Burgess supplied the Senate with a list of faculty members who had not yet joined the association. Several Senators volunteered to talk to each faculty member.
Construction Status - Steve Platte - tabled until the next Senate meetingAcademic Leadership on Campus - Steve Platte - tabled until the next Senate meeting
Recognition of Employee Development Activities - Ned Miner
The Employee and Organizational Development Committee will be honoring those faculty members who provided leadership by conducting employee development activities in the first two weeks of the fall semester. A recognition breakfast has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 7th.Boiler Plate Curricula - Hank Mancini - tabled until the next Senate meeting
4-day Schedule Model - Lois Roma-Deeley - tabled until the next Senate meeting
7. Information
District Computer Platform Recommendation - Steve Platte8. Adjournment
The following information comes from the Governing Board Agenda Action Item D-1, September 22, 1998, "Student Information System Contract with PeopleSoft"Attachment F Apple Macintosh Issue MCCD has purchased many Apple MacIntosh (MAC) computers during the past 14 years. Many faculty and staff have a strong preference for the MAC computer based upon ease of use and value. Some of the MCCD colleges have made the MAC computer the predominant type on their campus. Those decisions and preferences make discussions on new systems a sensitive matter regarding desk top equipment associate with software decisions such as the PeopleSoft procurement.Board Election - Steve PlatteIn order to accommodate the MCCD MAC users best as possible in the realities of the external world, MCCD has the following language in the contract with PeopleSoft. "For enabling MacIntosh support PeopleSoft uses Citrix client software to access our applications running on a Winframe Server in addition to supporting a MacIntosh web client based in PeopleTools version 7.5."
The external market forces have clearly chosen the personal computer (PC) built from Intel and Microsoft components as the winner. The MAC share of the market is now less than 5%. Consequently, all software companies including PeopleSoft and Oracle develop their software first and most completely for the PC platform. In making future MacIntosh purchasing decisions, MCCD must recognize the limitations inherent in that decision. There is decreasing probability that MACs will be usable with either "administrative" or "educational" applications in the future for most vendors. Also, student owned computers are now 95% PCs. Consideration must be given to the students' preferences in order to provide access from home or compatibility in working between home and the college by the students.
The one bridge between these two technologies is the Internet browser (Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Explorer). Many of the incompatibilities can be overcome if the software is browser based. The majority of input screens for new systems will be browser-based.
MCCD staff must be made aware that full functionality of future software applications may not be available or may be limited on MAC computers. Decisions to purchase MACs will be with the understanding that they will be used in a manner that the limitations would not impact the college. Strategic directions must outweigh personal choice in making purchasing decisions.
Steve Platte and Marilyn Cristiano will invite Nancy Stein, to visit PVCC to discuss the upcoming election and her platform as she runs for Governing Board Member.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:34pmÂ
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco
Senate Secretary