Levels of Intensity/Meeting Report
1. Choices Coordinating Team: Coordinates, plans and evaluates the Choices at PVCC Distance Learning Program. Explores issues and recommends policies and procedures related to distance learning.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
1. Patti Marsh, Chair 4. John Chavez
2. Abby Hemingway 5. Donna Rebadow - Spring Only
3. Sherry Loch 6. Jeanne Franco - Fall Only
2. Collegial Support Partnership Program (CSPP): Utilizes a partnership model to plan, implement and assess activities designed to help new faculty integrate into the college community. Membership on this committee includes faculty "new to PVCC" and veteran partners. (Please refer to notes at bottom of this page)
Marilyn Cristiano, Communications Faculty, CSPP Coordinator
Veteran PVCC Partners "New To PVCC" Faculty
1. Renee Cornell 1. Lori Anonsen (Food & Nutr.)
2. Bob Bendotti 2. Roberto Ribas (Math)
3. Tom Butler 3. Maria Barillas (Accounting)
4. Lois Roma-Deeley 4. Janet Downey (Anthropology)
5. Jim Rubin 5. Michele Marion (Sociology)
6. Shelle Witten 6. Casey Durandet (Physics)
7. Mitzi Ferrell 7. Scott Massey (Chemistry)
8. Lynda Santiago 8. Eileen Shiff (Education)
9. Alan Tongret 9. Steve Nicoloff (Math)
10. Kevin Arps 10. John Storslee (CIS)
11. Jeanne Franco 11. Joan Ritsch (Art)
12. 12. Nino Pascolati (English)
13. 13. Richard Vaughn (Math)
NOTES : -For veteran PVCC faculty and for faculty "new to PVCC" participation in the CSPP fulfills one of the three committee assignments assumed by each of the college's faculty.
-Veteran Partners and "New to PVCC" faculty will be paired by the CSPP Coordinator early in the semester. The above list does not indicate assigned partner teams.
3. Cultural Diversity Committee: Explores cultural diversity issues. Plans, supports and assists in the implementation of cultural diversity initiatives designed to enrich student and organizational learning.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. Reyes Medrano, Chair 5. Karen Winden
2. John Nelson 6. Janet Downey
3. Carmen DeMiguel 7. Steve Nicoloff
4. Maria Barillas 8. Sue Van Boven (Fall Sabbatical)
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Raul Monreal
2. Shirley Green
4. Curriculum Committee: Reviews and responds to curriculum issues. Develops recommendations regarding curriculum at both the college and district level. Optimum representation: one representative from each division and one representative of the PVCC Faculty Senate.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. Marilyn Cristiano, Chair 5. Jack Sexton
2. Mitzi Ferrell 6. Peter Thiel
3. Millard Lee 7. Lisa K. Miller
4. Tom Butler 8. Sue Van Boven (Fall Sabbatical)
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Fred Stahl
2. Mary Lou Mosely
3. Rick Conchos
5. Employee and Organizational Development Coordinating Team: Integrates and coordinates with the Faculty Development Committee and the Staff Development Committee to plan, promote, implement and evaluate learning opportunities for the college's employees. Plans the annual PVCC All-Employee Meeting and coordinates the development and implementation of employee development activities.
Meeting Dates: Fourth Wed,each month Intensity: Moderate Time: 8:30 - 10 a.m. Location:
1. Bob Bendotti (Co-chair) 2. Ned Miner (Co-chair)
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Rick Sheets 4. Anne Eller
2. Paul Dale 5. Cathrin Summer
3. Loretta Mondragon
6. Enrollment Management Team: Plans, coordinates and assesses initiatives to influence the recruitment and retention of students, along with the demographics of the college. Collaborates with the Admissions and Records to improve recruitment and retention programs Coordinates with the office of institutional research to assess student attitudes and satisfaction relative to the college's progams and services. Makes recommendations to the President regarding recruitment and retention activities. Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: 2-3:30 p.m. Location: A-122
1. Bob Bendotti 5. Scott Massey
2. Kevin Arps 6. Jeff Burkhart
3. Lori Anonsen 7. Ray Laing
4. Fred Wieck 8. Steve Nicoloff
Administrative/Work UnitRepresentatives
1. Rick Conchos 5. Shirley Green
2. Paul Dale 6. Raul Monreal
3. Ken Hart 7. Fred Stahl
4. David Gerkin 8. Howard Greenlee
7. Environmental Health & Safety Committee: Responsible for college-wide recommendations concerning OSHA regulations and other safety-related issues. Coordinates with MCCD Hazardous Materials Committee.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
1. Ron Brooker 3. Lynn Lalko
2. Bob Treloar
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Jesse Hernandez
2. Scott Meek, Chair
8. Faculty Development Committee: Plans, implements and evaluates an annual program of work designed to assist in the professional and personal development of the college's faculty. Collaborates and coordinates with the Employee & Org. Development Coordinating Team and the Staff Development Team. Plans and implements the Annual Faculty Retreat.
Meeting Dates: Wed. / Month Intensity: Moderate Time: 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Location:
1. Ned Miner, Chair 5. Kurt Hill
2. Bob Bendotti 6. John Nelson
3. Marilyn Cristiano 7. Sally Rings
4. Lynda Santiago 8. Jeanne Franco
9. Abby Hemingway
Administrative Representative
9. Fine Arts Committee: Coordinates all Fine Arts activities; Develops new fine arts programs and courses; Plans and implements community outreach initiatives; Fosters the development of fine arts facilitites, including their scheduling and operation.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
1. Alan Tongret, Chair 5. Lois Roma-Deeley
2. Nino Pascolati 6. Lynne Floyd (Adj. Fac)
3. Gene Rister 7. Steven Swerdfeger (")
4. Joan Ritsch
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Heather Anderson
2. Judi Anderson
10. Graduation Project Team: Plans, organizes, implements and evaluates the commencement ceremonies for graduates of the college. Brings forward recommendations for improvement to the President's Council. Three faculty representatives, including the Faculty Senate President, are recommended.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
1. Steve Platte 3. Ray Laing
2. Ron Brooker
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Paul Dale, Chair
2. Shirley Green
3. Anne Eller
4. Sue Isackson
5. David Williams
11. Honors Committee: Provides assistance and support to the college's Honors Program. Coordinates with the MCCD Honors Program and the college's Learning Connections Honors Focus Team. Committee members teach honors sections. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. Linda Knoblock, Chair 5. Donna Mosher
2. Sherry Adams 6. Ron Brooker
3. Phyllis Shaw 7. John Nelson
4. Jane Marks 8. Hank Mancini
12. International Education Committee: Implements the MCCD/PVCC International Education Strategic Plan.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
1. Jim Rassi, Co-chair 6. Sherry Loch
2. Gene Rister, Co-chair 7. Kurt Hill
3. Peter Thiel 8. Sue Van Boven (Fall Sabbatical)
4. Reyes Medrano 9. Umar Sharif
5. David Rubi 10. Michele Marion
13. Learning Communities Steering Committee: Serves as an advisory committee for the college's Learning Community initiative. Primary functions include deciding what Learning Communities will be offered each semester, how they will be supported fiscally, organizing related faculty development activities, and directing the collection and evaluation of assessment data regarding learning communities.
Meeting Date Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. Sally Rings, Chair 4. Shelle Witten
2. Joyce Janiga 5. Joan Ritsch
3. Karen Kabrich 6. Lori Anonsen
Administrative Representative
14. Learning Connections: Learning Connections -- a consortium including Paradise Valley Unified Schools, Cave Creek Unified Schools, Arizona State University West, Northern Arizona University-Phoenix, and Paradise Valley Community College -- identifies shared interests, anticipates and responds to needs, and integrates and coordinates plans, resources and activities. A minimum of two PVCC representatives serve on each of the following focus teams:
Meeting logistics determined by each Focus Team Intensity: High
15. Library/Media Committee: Provides counsel to the Division Chair of Library Services and the Supervisor of Media regarding the college's library and media needs and services. Divisional representation is strongly recommended.
Meeting Dates: I ntensity:Moderate Time: Location:
1. John Chavez, Chair 6. Muriel Coil
2. Marilyn Cristiano 7. Hedy Fossenkemper
3. Gene Rister 8. Lisa K. Miller
4. Shelle Witten 9. Donna Rebadow
5. Jeff Burkhart 10. Donna Mosher
11. Sonya Woodard
16. Scholarship Project Team: Responsible for developing criteria, screening and administering the college's scholarship awards program. Divisional representation is strongly recommended.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
1. Mitzi Ferrell 4. Gary Quick
2. Sandy Belisle 5. J. David Williams
3. Walt Thielen 6. David Rubi
Administrative/Work Unit Representative
1. Spencer Johnson, Chair
17. Software Committee: Evaluates requests for software based on criteria established by the committee that are consistent with the college's Strategic Plan for Technology. Approves/ disapproves allocations from the college's software budget. Coordinates and communicates with the Technology Coordinating Committee.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. Sandy Belisle 5. J. David Williams
2. Millard Lee 6. Gary Quick
3. Walt Thielen 7. John Chavez
4. Richard Vaughn
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Mary Lou Goff
2. Loretta Mondragon, Chair
3. Donna Womack
4. Rick Sheets
18. Staff Development Team: Plans the colleges staff developmet program. Coordinates with the Employee and Organization Development Coordinating Team to extend learning opportunities to the college's staff.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
19. Strategic Planning Committee: Responsible for the analysis of internal and external trends, determining the potential impact of such trends and for the development of strategic and operational plans tied to budget allocations. Includes the budget committee and direct links to the Technology Coordinating Team and to divisions and departments.
Meeting Dates: 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/16, 5/21 Time: 2 - 4 p.m.
Location: TBA Intensity: High
20. Student Academic Achievement Committee: Develops a process, structure, standards and mechanisms for the assessment of student achievement. Collaborates with division chairs to pilot an assessment program involving education majors.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
21. Student Leadership Development Committee: Plans and coordinates a leadership development program for PVCC students.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
22. Student, Academic and Administrative Support Services (SAASS) Committee: Considers impact of new policy and procedures on each of the three functional areas. Coordinates and collaborates in the development of plans and procedures that support learning at the college. Two faculty, one representing the Counseling Division and a second representing the Library/Media Division are recommended
Meeting Dates: Mon. 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/14, 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14, 7/12 Intensity: Moderate
Time: Location:
23. Technology Coordinating Team: Develops and coordinates the college's strategic plan for technology. Serves as a coordinating and consulting body to the college's strategic planning committee, to divisions/departments, and to technolgy-focused project teams. Also coordinates with the colleges Employee and Organizational Development Coordinating Team. Team membership is based on a "skill set" model.
Meeting Dates: 2nd & 4th Thurs, each month ntensity: Maximum Time: 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. Location: TBA
1. Terry Grygiel, Chair 3. John Chavez
2. Hedy Fossenkemper 4. Jeanne Franco
Administrative/Work Unit Representatives
1. Gina Kranitz
2. Paul Dale
3. Rick Sheets
4. Fred Stahl
5. Cathy Hart
24. Technology Training Development Project Team: Plans and coordinates the implementation of the college's technology training initiative. Collaborates with the Technology Coordinating Team and the Employee and Organizational Development Coordinating Team.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
25. Web Development Committee: Proposes policies and procedures related to web development. Provides counsel and guidelines to the college's faculty and staff for the development of web pages to support teaching and learning and PVCC's administrative and instructional support services. Contributes to the success of the college's Strategic Plan for Technology by coordinating and communicating with the Technology Coordinating Team.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
1. PVCC Faculty Senate: Elected by the PVCC faculty. Serves as the college's faculty governance body. Anticipates and responds to issues that affect faculty activities and performance. Makes recommendations to the college president for the improvement of the college.
Meeting Dates: 1st Thurs. of month Intensity: Moderate Time: 3 p.m. Location: TBA
1. Steve Platte, President 9. Kevin Arps
2. Tom Butler,President-elect 10. Gary Quick
3. Ron Brooker 11. Lois Roma-Deeley
4. Muriel Coil 12. Fred Wieck
5. Hank Mancini 13. Marilyn Cristiano
6. Jeanne Franco 14. Carmen DiMiguel
7. Jane Marks 15. Renee Cornell
8. Larry Burgess
Committees Appointed by the Faculty Senate President
2. Staffing-RFP Committee: Review the staffing needs of the college's academic programs. Establishes and utilizes criteria for the prioritization of RFP staffing recommendations. Makes recommendations to the college's Strategic Planning Committee.
Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
3. Travel Committee: Reviews faculty requests to travel related to professional development. Based on the total faculty travel allocation, the committee establishes the annual per faculty travel allocation amount. Communicates with faculty regarding travel policies, procedures and resources.
Meeting Dates Intensity: Low Time: Location:
4. Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee: Serves as a review and appeals board for issues concerning disagreements between faculty. Reports findings and makes recommendations to the PVCC Faculty Senate regarding the resolution of such issues.
Meeting Dates: As Needed Intensity: Low Time: TBD Location: TBD
Levels of Intensity
Meeting Report
PVCC - Campus Committee Structure
© 1997 MCCCD. This page last modified on September 10, 1998
Questions and Comments to Jeanne Franco at franco@pvc.maricopa.edu