Members Present: Tom Butler, Muriel Coil, Marilyn Cristiano, Mitzi Ferrell, Jeanne Franco, Carmen Marquez, Steve Platte, Gary Quick, Sally Rings, Fred Wieck.
Guests: Bob Bendotti, Jane Marks, Ron Brooker.
Members Absent: Abby Hemingway, Sherry Loch, Lynn Lalko, Lois Roma-Deeley.
1. Call To Order/Approval of Agenda
The Senate meeting was called to order at 3:04pm
Agenda approved as written.
2. Approval of Minutes 4/2/98
The 4/2/98 minutes were approved as submitted.
3. Old Business
Hank Mancini - Science/Math
Peter Thiel - Human Development
Patti Marsh - Business/CIS
Lisa Miller/ - Library
Donna Mosher - Counseling
Communication/Humanities Division Rep to be determined.
It was decided to add the Faculty Senate President and President-Elect to the ineligible list for the Staffing Committee because of a possible conflict of interest.
It was moved to accept the list of committee members as presented with Steve to appoint the final member from Communciation/Humanities as soon as possible. Motion passed.
It was moved to accept the "PVCC Faculty Staffing Advisory Committee" document as revised. Motion passed.
Jeanne will put this document on the Senate Web Site under "Faculty Staffing Process."
3.2. Open Committee Enrollment - Bob Bendotti
Bob reminded the Senate that the PVCC campus committee structure has changed and this year we will be indicating our 1998-99 committee assignment preferences on Tuesday, April 28, between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. in room A-122. Bob has sent out an A-1 describing the three stages of the "Committee Redesign Process." (This description is now on the senate web page under "PVCC Committee Structure.")
4.2. Faculty Association Dues - Sally Rings
Sally reported that the Faculty Association Dues will be going up next year from $195 to $225. The district Faculty Association has been operating with a deficit budget for the last two years, and association dues have not been raised in over 6 years. This new dues structure compared to other comparable colleges with national association affiliation is low, with many other schools charging between $400 and $500 per year. When the association joined the AAUP, the dues were not raised, and the association does not want to have another dues hike for at least 5 or 6 years. Because of the increase, our membership will not roll over automatically next year; each faculty member will have to fill out a new membership application again as in years past. Sally pointed out that she voted against the increase.
Steve presented a plaque to Sally from the Senate in appreciation for her distinguished and devoted service to the Faculty. Each member of the Senate thanked Sally for a job well done.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco
Senate Secretary