Members Present: Tom Butler, Muriel Coil, Marilyn Cristiano, Mitzi Ferrell, Jeanne Franco, Abby Hemingway, Sherry Loch, Carmen Marquez, Steve Platte, Gary Quick, Sally Rings, Lois Roma-Deeley.
Guests: Bob Bendotti, Jim Rubin
Members Absent: Lynn Lalko, Fred Wieck.
1. Call To Order/Approval of Agenda
The Senate meeting was called to order at 3:02pm
Agenda approved as written.
2. Approval of Minutes 3/5/98
The 3/5/98 minutes were approved as submitted.
3. Campus Reports
3.2. Committee Re-Design - Bob Bendotti
The open enrollment period will be within the next three weeks. Bob and Sally are looking for creative ways to restructure the enrollment process so that the pattern of rolling over the same committee members year after year is broken. Bob is also looking for suggestions as to how to ensure that all committees will meet early in the fall semester to begin their tasks. Mitzi Ferrell suggested that each committee chair be asked to set up a 15 minute meeting during the 10-day beginning-of-the-year accountability window for the purpose of bringing the committee members together to create a community and establish a meeting schedule for the year. All faculty were urged to think about these issues and send any suggestions to Bob or Sally.
In a related discussion, Tom Butler suggested that the Senate explore the possibility of continuing the extra week of accountability (and moving the start date of the fall semester back) every year to give us the extra days to establish our committees and participate in faculty growth activities. Jeanne Franco suggested that we see how the extra 5 days of accountability serves us next year, and she moved that this issue be placed on the first 1998/99 Senate Agenda for review. Motion passed unanimously.
3.3 Employee Development - Bob Bendotti
The Employee and Organizational Development Team is working on planning the All Employee Fall Meeting. Bob reported that those faculty and staff members who have taken advantage of the employee development funds to attend conferences and seminars will be asked to share with their colleagues their experiences and insights from these activities. Bob also requested that if anyone has any ideas for activities/topics that would be of interest to faculty or staff members, they bring them to the attention of anyone of the Staff or Faculty Development Committee members. Several Senators suggested that we have a Faculty Retreat as well after the All Employee Meeting in the fall to promote community. Jeanne pointed out that the PVCC Faculty Association Constitution also requires that we have an all faculty meeting each semester, and next year there will be an amendment to the constitution to consider at that meeting.
Bob also made the following comments regarding the President's Retreat: The report from the President's Retreat is being compiled and faculty will each receive a copy which will include the issues discussed, recommendations for each issue, and first steps for moving forward. The goal is not to create new committees as a result of the President's Retreat but rather to plug the issues identified into existing committees so the information can help to structure planning for the future. Dr. Cardenas intends to follow up with more discussion involving more individuals as we continue to create a sense of community at PVCC.
3.4. Curriculum - Marilyn Cristiano
Marilyn provided an update on new degree development. It was noted that the GSDS recommendation to amend the MCCCD AGEC to require that 2 courses need to be taken from Cultural Diversity in the United States and Global or Historical Awareness Areas rather than from all three awareness areas was approved by the DCC. Also noted was that the AGEC will be implemented fall semester of 1998 and the new degrees implemented spring semester of 1999. Lisa Miller asked that faculty support new course offerings or new sections of existing courses with requests for library materials.
For updates on the status of this bill, point your web browser to the Arizona Legislative Information Services (ALIS) web page at
and search for HB2182 or the "public employees whistle-blower bill." Please contact Steve if you have any questions or concerns.
4.4. President - Sally Rings
Sally asked the Senate if they wish to pursue this topic with the President further. It was decided to allow the current wording to stand.
6.3. Elections - Muriel Coil/ Steve Platte
Muriel announced that the new division/department chairs are as follows:
Sonya Woodard - Mathematics
Lynn Lalko - Science
Karen Winden - Human Development
Muriel thanked the Election Committee members for their help in the election process. The committee thanked Muriel for her leadership and hard work.
Carmen will be sending an A1 to announce the '98-'99 Senate seat openings and to explain the timeline of the election process. Senators were asked to promote Senate membership in their divisions so we have a full complement of Senators next year.
6.4. Faculty Scholarship - Sally Rings
The deadline for application for the Faculty Scholarship is April 10. Carmen, Marilyn and Lois volunteered to form the Scholarship Committee which will make the selection of this year's scholarship recipient. Senators were asked to announce in their divisions that everyone should promote application for this scholarship in their classes. Sally will also send an A1 to all faculty in this effort.
6.5. Goals - Sally Rings
Sally read through the '97-98 Senate Goals and it was determined that all goals have been met with the exception of two. Next year the Senate will concentrate on advocating teaching for learning in a more effective way, and the Senate will also consider the Book Fund issue.
7.2. Fred Wieck's Status - Sally Rings
It was determined that Fred's absences from Senate meetings have been due to conflicting college business and therefore are excused. Fred is urged to find a replacement Senator next year if the conflicting commitments continue so that Counseling is properly represented at Senate meetings.
7.3 Division Chair Evaluation Form - Sally Rings
Jack Sexton asked Sally to bring the issue of the length of the Division Chair Evaluation Form to the Senate for possible revision. Jack has heard concerns that the instrument is too long. After discussion it was agreed that this instrument was fine as is, and a motion was made to do nothing. Motion passed.
9. Adjournment
The Faculty Senate meeting was adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco
Senate Secretary