Student Leadership - Paul Dale, Jim Rubin
Jim and Paul presented the PVCC Emerging Leader Program to the Senate. This program has been designed to create an environment for selected students to discover their leadership abilities through high level training and social service project work. This program will be piloted in the Spring and students can participate by enrolling in a 2-credit CPD course (transferable as an elective), or they may choose to participate without earning credit. A flyer, an invitation for faculty to nominate outstanding students to participate in the program, and a student application will be distributed to all faculty via intercampus mail. Faculty can either forward the names of those students that they believe would benefit from this program directly to Paul Dale, or they can give students an application to submit to the office of Student Life. Nominations are requested by December 11, 1997, but will be accepted beyond this due date.
Faculty Advisement - Rick Conchos, Carmen Marquez, Jeanne Franco, Shelle Witten, (Fred Wieck-absent).
The Faculty Advisement Senate Sub-Committee presented a proposal that they recommend as an alternative to the current Faculty Advisement Program (10 advising hours of accountability per semester). The "Faculty Liaison" proposal calls for each division to identify a faculty member to serve as a Faculty Advising Liaison (FAL) to enhance communication and collaboration between the divisions and the Advisement Center. FAL activities will include communicating information between the Advisement Center and divisions through meetings, individual conferences and memos, as well as attending scheduled training updates. FALs will receive compensation equivalent to .5 load hours per semester in their role as liaison. In addition, FALs may elect to complete an advising project and be compensated up to a maximum of 2.5 additional overload/extended contract hours, by approval of the Advising Coordinator. This recommendation does not preclude the voluntary continuation of individual faculty members advising and mentoring students within their discipline areas.
The Faculty Liaison Proposal was placed on the senate agenda for discussion.
Members Present: Ron Brooker, Muriel Coil, Marilyn Cristiano, Mitzi Ferrell, Jeanne Franco, Abby Hemingway, Sherry Loch, Carmen Marquez, Gary Quick, Steve Platte, Sally Rings.
Guests: Hedy Fossenkemper, Patti Marsh, Donna Mosher
Members Absent: Tom Butler, Lynn Lalko, Fred Wieck
1. Call To Order/Approval of Agenda
The Senate meeting was called to order at 3:35pm
Agenda additions/deletions
Old Business - add Faculty Hiring Process - Sally Rings
add Faculty Advising Proposal - Senate
add International House - Sally Rings
delete - Scholarship Fund Raiser (to be reported on within the Treasurer's report)
delete - AAUP
The Agenda was approved as amended.
2. Approval of Minutes 11/6/97
The 11/6/97 minutes were approved as submitted.
3. Campus Reports
3.3. Faculty Development - Marilyn Cristiano
There will be a MCCCD Faculty Convocation at Phoenix College on Friday, January 9, 1998, and the Faculty Development Committee strongly urges that all PVCC Faculty attend. There will be a PVCC all-employee meeting on Monday, January 12, 1998, with breakfast at 7:30am and the meeting from 8:00am to 9:15am. All-employees are required to attend, and those faculty who can not attend you should contact their Division Chair prior to the meeting. In light of the fact that faculty will be attending the Convocation on January 9, there will be no Faculty Retreat scheduled for January 12, but there are two technology training options that will be available from 9:30am to noon on Monday, January 12, after the all-employee meeting. The training options are "Researching Using the WWW" and a panel presentation and discussion on "Using the Internet in the Classroom." Seating will be limited and sign-up required. More information about these training options is available at (Sally, I need to get the address), and an A-1 announcement is forthcoming.
4.2. Secretary - Jeanne Franco
The Senate Web Site is completed. Please visit it at and give comments.
4.3. President-Elect - Steve Platte
One of my goals for the future is to improve the communication among faculty and to build a more substantial atmosphere of trust. A recent incident illustrates my concerns in these areas. At the Faculty Executive Council (FEC) meeting on October 28, 1997, faculty representatives from Glendale Community College gave a report on the efforts of the GCC faculty to resolve a serious crisis with the college president. At the conclusion of this discussion I made a motion that the FEC go on record supporting the GCC Faculty Senate in regard to this matter. The purpose of the motion was to show collegiality and solidarity with our colleagues at GCC and was not a direct vote on any particular motion generated by the GCC Faculty Senate. The motion passed.
Apparently this motion was controversial or misunderstood (or both) because at the 11/25/97 FEC meeting there was an agenda item, brought by PVCC, to reconsider FEC support for GCC faculty. The FEC again decided that it was appropriate for the FEC to vote on this motion. Now I recognize and support the right of faculty members to ask for items to be brought before the FEC, and I respect opposing points of view, but I am disappointed that no attempt was made to talk to me, the author of the motion, before taking the request for reconsideration to the FEC. In my opinion PVCC looked very bad in the eyes of the FEC on this matter. My hope is that in the future faculty members would feel free to discuss matters with the parties involved before appealing to higher authorities.
4.4. President - Sally Rings
From Faculty Executive Council:
1. A motion was made that the council let Faculty Association members at large vote on whether to continue membership with AAUP. After discussion, the motion was postponed until Council members are ready to present all information to Faculty Association members.
2. The faculty Meet and Confer team will meet with the administration team on December 11 to present proposals. Topics included in the faculty's proposals for changing the RFP are evaluation (including the Faculty Evaluation Plan), non-renewal of faculty, professional growth policy (PG guidelines will continue to be outlined in the Professional Growth Guidelines document.), clerical support for division/department chairs, calculating FTSE on all students, not just day students, calculating both lecture and lab hours on a one-to-one basis.
3. The primary issues that CFAC (Chancellor's Financial Advisory Committee) is dealing with are (1) figuring out how budget decisions fit with the Governing Board's end statements and (2) figuring out how to measure things.
4. EBAC (Employee Benefits Advisory Committee) wants to propose that leaves of absence for all policy groups be consistent.
6.3. Faculty Advisory Process - Senate
The Senate discussed the earlier presentation/recommendation brought by the Faculty Advisement Senate Sub-Committee for an alternative program of division advisement liaisons. A motion was made to adopt the recommendation and to have Sally present the Senate recommendation to Dr. Cardenas in conjunction with Rick Conchos and his proposal for additional advisor support for advisement. The motion carried by a vote of 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions (Abby Hemingway and Sherry Loch).
7.3. Professional Growth for OYO Faculty - Marilyn Cristiano
Marilyn brought forth the issue of unfairness to OYO faculty members of our current Professional Growth policy. Both full-time, Board-approved and part-time faculty are eligible for professional growth monies, but OYO faculty members are not. It was suggested that this issue be brought before the District Association Exec. Council when the next round of Meet and Confer issues is called for. Sally made a note to do that.
7.5 International House - Sally Rings
Dr. Cardenas asked for feedback re: the possibility of having an international house on the PVCC campus. The purpose would be to house exchange students and exchange faculty as well as to provide space for conferences with an international focus. Dr. Cardenas has talked with Dr. Elsner about this, and he is supportive. Dr. Stahl will be getting information to faculty soon for their response.
Senators expressed concern that our current construction be completed and new facilities be adequately staffed before a new construction project would begin. There was also concern re: funding sources. If outside funding is obtained, for how long might it support the operations of an international house? Would the campus need to assume funding responsibilities at some point? The third concern expressed was about providing housing to some students but not other (non-international) students who are needy. Another question related to providing housing was whether it is appropriate (or even legal) to use District funds for housing. In general, the concept of an international house was supported if the questions and concerns could be addressed adequately.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco
Senate Secretary