Members Present: Ron Brooker, Tom Butler, Marilyn Cristiano, Mitzi Ferrell, Jeanne Franco, Abby Hemingway, Lynn Lalko, Sherry Loch, Carmen Marquez, Gary Quick, Steve Platte, Sally Rings, Fred Wieck
Guests: John Nelson, Bob Bendotti, Jim Pourchot
Members Absent: Muriel Coil
1. Call To Order/Approval of Agenda
The Senate meeting was called to order at 3:12pm
Agenda additions/deletions - Add to Old Business - Senate Web Site - Jeanne Franco
Add to Old Business - Book Loan Fund - Fred Wieck
The Agenda was approved as amended.
2. Approval of Minutes 10/2/97
4.4 Co-enrollment - Change "prove" to "provide" in the last sentence.
The 10/2/97 minutes were approved as amended
3. Campus Reports
3.1. Enrollment Management/ Student Satisfaction Survey - Bob Bendotti
Bob presented the particulars regarding the Student Satisfaction Survey as follows:
-Start Date: Tuesday, November 18
-End Date: Tuesday, November 25
-900 current students, enrolled in any course except Fitness Center only will be surveyed
-113 questions including 10 PVCC-specific questions will be asked
-30 minutes completion, plus instructions
-Three options for survey administration by faculty
-In class, faculty collects
-Send home with students, faculty collects
-During office hour or other time designated by faculty, faculty collects
-Special options for OE/OE students ONLY:
-Phone call by faculty to student announcing survey
-Survey mailed to student by faculty with brief personal note
-Survey mailed to faculty member by student in a Self-Address-Stamped-Envelope
3.2. Curriculum - Marilyn Crisitano
There is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 12, in B208A, at 3 P.M. which will give faculty an opportunity to give their input into the proposed AA/GR/SR, AS/GR/SR, and ABUS degrees. Marilyn has sent an A-1 explaining this process, and has put into all faculty B Building mailboxes a set of scenarios describing these proposed degree plans which will be discussed at the meeting.
ASU has changed their L1 criteria. They prefer that ENG 101 and ENG 102 be made prerequisites to any L1 course, and will require that ENG 101 be included as a prerequisite for any L1 course that is transferable to ASU. This change is still being debated as it has an impact on many MCCD courses. Marilyn as sent an A-1 to all PVCC faculty regarding this change.
3.3. Faculty Development - Ned Miner - No Report.
4. Officers’ Reports
4.1. Treasurer/Membership - Mitzi Ferrell
Mitzi reported that the PVCC Faculty Association has a balance of $3,947.07 in its checking and savings accounts. Of this balance $241.50 is encumbered for the Association Scholarship Fundraiser reception, and $882.00 of the balance is earmarked for the Scholarship Fund itself, leaving $2,823.57 in available funds.
To date 46 of 59 Faculty members have joined the Faculty Association. Mitzi reminded everyone that November 15th is the membership deadline.
4.2. Secretary - Jeanne Franco - No report
4.3. President-Elect - Steve Platte - No report
4.4. President - Sally Rings
From President's Cabinet:
1. Dr. Cardenas is concerned about the needs of adjunct faculty. He requested that President's Cabinet look closely at the list of needs that was generated at the Strategic Conversation October 21. He is especially concerned about the lack of support services (staff, access to copiers, etc.) at night and on Saturdays. He stated that the RFP may constrain efforts to provide for evening students because it assumes that full-time faculty work during the day. Dr. Cardenas also stated that PV has the smallest number of support staff per full-time student of any of the Maricopa Colleges. He believes that our emphasis should be on serving students. He raised the question: When we get the results from the Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey, what are we going to do them?
2. Scott Meek is working on an emergency plan for the campus.
3. Gina reported that some faculty had spoken to her about moving the work of the Faculty Staffing Advisory Committee to September. Reactions were mixed.
From Faculty Executive Council:
1. The New Faculty Reception, scheduled for October 24, was cancelled.
2. A Leadership Retreat will be help Nov. 7 at the University Club at ASU. In attendance will be the Governing Board, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, College Presidents, and the Faculty Executive Council. The purpose of the retreat is to strengthen partnerships as we look at the kind of leadership that we want for Maricopa in the 21st century.
3. CFAC: The faculty representatives to CFAC-Rose Pfefferbaum, Tom Trollen, Alex Backus, and Roy Cohen-met with Executive Council to give us an update. CFAC now reports to the Chancellor's Executive Council, or CEC, rather than directly to the Chancellor.
5. Senate Committee Reports
5.1. Professional Growth - John Nelson
No report from the Project side.
Salary Advancement and Sabbaticals subcommittee are extremely busy evaluating the sabbatical proposals for 1998/99. Thirty-seven applications were submitted this year.
The entire committee is currently involved in revising the Green Book, i.e. Faculty Professional Growth Guidelines, so that it is consistent with the RFP. This is being done with the belief that "policies" should be in the RFP, and procedures should be in the Faculty Professional Growth Guidelines.
These changes, deletions, and corrections are being discussed by a smaller ad hoc committee and are subject to further discussion and approval by the whole committee. This is an ongoing process and may take some time to complete. John is a member of this subcommittee.
6. Old Business
6.1. Faculty Emeritus Status - Ron Brooker
After thinking about Steve's recommendation that was approved by the Senate in October, to grant Emeritus Status to all retired Faculty, the President, Deans and Assoc. Deans who have served the MCCCD District for 10 years or more upon retirement, Ron recommends that the 10 year time frame be revised to read, "Emeritus Status will be granted to retired Faculty, the President, Deans and Assoc. Deans who have served the MCCCD District for at least 10 years, or less than 10 years, under special circumstances and with acceptance by the PVCC Faculty Senate, upon retirement. After Senate discussion, this recommendation was unanimously approved.
6.2. Scholarship Fund Raiser - Jeanne Franco
Senators were polled as to the status of their ticket sales for the November 21st Fundraiser. Jeanne reported that the reception has been arranged and paid for, and Muriel and Carmen have gathered several nice door prizes for the event. Sally was asked to send an A-1 reminder for the event next week.
6.3. Art for the Campus - Sally Rings
The PVCC Faculty Senate unanimously passed a resolution that the Senate will support a campus effort to raise funds to purchase a piece of art to decorate the grounds outside of the newly constructed M building.
6.4. Bookstore Markup - Gary Quick
It was decided that this issue should be brought to the Bookstore and Cafeteria Committee for further consideration. Gary agreed to forward the Senate's concerns regarding the percentage of markup used by the bookstore to that committee.
Gary suggested that we as faculty can take a major role in solving this problem by being aware of the costs of the textbooks we adopt and then watching to see the markup percentage being charged by the bookstore. Senators were directed to take this message back to their divisions, and to forward any future concerns to the Bookstore and Cafeteria Committee.
6.5. Faculty Hiring Procedures - Sally Rings
After much discussion (45 minutes) regarding the hiring procedures as they now exist, it was decided that because the concerns are widespread throughout the faculty, Sally will meet with Dr. Cardenas to express our concerns and suggest some possible alternatives to improve the current process. Sally will then bring back the insights from the President for further discussion by the Senate.
6.6. Senate Web Site - Jeanne Franco
Jeanne passed out a list of the items now contained within the Faculty Association Web Site and asked for suggestions for further inclusion or deletion. It was suggested that the Guidelines for the Selection of Faculty Staffing Advisory Committee be included as well as the Math/Science Division addendum to the Academic Structure Policy (College Plan). Jeanne said she will make those additions as soon as possible and then announce the completion of the Web Site and its location to all faculty via A-1.
6.7 Book Loan Fund - Fred Wieck
This item was tabled until December.
7. New Business
7.1. Committee Re-Design - Travel & PR&R - Bob Bendotti
This item was tabled until December.
7.2. Revision of Staffing Guidelines - Sally Rings
This item was tabled until December.
7.3. Professional Growth for OYO Faculty - Marilyn Crisitano
This item was tabled until December.
8. Information
9. Adjournment
The Faculty Senate meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco
Senate Secretary
PVCC - Faculty Senate Minutes for November 6, 1997
© 1997 MCCCD. This page last modified on November 7, 1997
Questions and Comments to Jeanne Franco at franco@pvc.maricopa.edu