Members present: Carmen Marquez, Jeanne Franco, Abby Hemingway, Lynn Lalko, Steve Platte, Gary Quick, Sally Rings, Muriel Coil, Marilyn Cristiano, Mitzi Ferrell.
Members absent: Fred Wieck, Tom Butler, Sherry Loch, Lois Roma-Deeley
Guests: John Nelson, Shelle Witten
I. Seating of the New Senate
The 1997/98 Senators are as follows:
Tom Butler--at large - 1999
Muriel Coil--Library/Media - 1999
Marilyn Cristiano--at large - 1999
Jeanne Franco--Business -1999
Abby Hemingway--at large - 1998
Lynn Lalko--at large - 1998
Sherry Loch-Human Development - 1999
CarmenMarques--at large - 1999
Steve Platte--at large - 1999 - PRESIDENT-ELECT
GaryQuick--Math/Science - 1999
Sally Rings--Com/Hum - 1998 - PRESIDENT
Lois Roma-Deeley--at large - 1999
Fred Wieck--Counseling - 1999
Mitizi Ferrell--at large - 1999
II. Call to Order/Approval of Agenda
The first meeting of the 1997/98 Faculty Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Sally Rings, President.
Marilyn moved that the agenda be approved as written, Carmen seconded. Motion carried.
III. Election of Secretary and Treasurer
Marilyn nominated Jeanne Franco for secretary. Jeanne requested that Senators with reports also bring them in wirting. Also, she has chosen to donate the $25.00 compenation per meeting back to the Faculty Senate Scholarship Fund, but does not want this act to be precedent setting. Jeanne won unanimously.
Mitzi self-nominated for treasurer. Mitzi won unanimously.
IV. Setting of Senate Meeting Dates and Times
Keeping Senate meetings on the first Thursday of the month works for the majority of Senators. Since Lois is teaching a class at this time, Sally will talk with her about having someone substitute for her Fall senester. If agreeable, Sally will send an A-1 to all faculty association members to find a substitute.
In addition to the all-Faculty meeting at the retreat on August 18th, the meeting schedule will be at 3:00 p.m. in B Building (room to be arranged by Sally) as follows:
Septemeber 4
October 2
November 6
December 4
February 5, 1998
March 5
April 2
May 7
V. Campus Reports
1. Faculty Development - Planning of the Fall Retreat agenda is underway. Marilyn reminded everyone of her call for student dilemma scenarios. Please submit these to Marilyn as soon as possible.
2. President's Cabinet - Jeanne Franco - The Governing Board approved the 1997/98 MCCCD Budget on April 22, allocating monies for the infrastructure of each college; we got $38,000 for this purpose. We also got 3 new Faculty positions and (thanks largely to Nancy Stein) we also received a $200,000 increase to our base budget for new college growth. (Only the younger colleges got this kind of increase.) We are also still counting on our FTSE incentive for next year, which will help to support instruction.
The State Board approved the $2 tuition increase and a $1 fee increase. The Governing Board allocated 50 cents of the fee increase to construction of 5 new performng arts centers to be built over the next 10 years. We are number 3 on the list for a performing arts center, and construction is planned for 2002.
Gina asked that faculty not forget about the conceptual design presentation by Gould and Evans for Buidings B & E on Wed., May 14, at 1:30 p.m. She apologized that it falls during finals week but encourages us to come.
At latest count, FTSE is up by almost 7% for the Fall and over 10% for the summer.
Graduation - 78 graduates have confirmed that they are marching at commencement, and we have a guest list of 776 so far.
We will have a new Food Service Manager in the Fall - same company (Restora), but new management. Mike Scheussler is leaving.
VI. Officers' Reports
Treasurer/Membership - No Report.
Secretary - No Report
President-Elect - No Report
President - Sally explained that the last issue of Peerpoint will include a list of the accomplishments of each of the colleges. Sally shared our accomplishment list as follows:
1. Guidelines were written that define the internal operational procedures to assist the Senate President in selecting members of the Faculty Staffing Advisory Committee.
2. The Collegial Support Partnership Program, which provides orientation and mentoring for new faculty members, was revised and re-instituted. New faculty have a different mentor each semester of their first year on campus, and together mentors and new faculty attend information meetings on such topics as the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Evaluation Plan.
3. In November the Faculty Senate sponsored a fund raiser for the Faculty Association Scholarship associated with the fall drama production. $1,132 was raised.
4. Guidelines for concurrent enrollment courses were written and implemented.
5. In spring 1996 the College Plan was finalized. It was approved and implemented in the fall.
6. A document was created that defines the roles of both At-Large Senators and Division Senators. The duties of President and President-elect were also delineated.
7. The Senate sponsored a reception for new Governing Board member, Gene Eastin.
8. The role of the faculty in the advisement process is being re-visited.
9. A survey of both members and non-members of the Faculty Association at PVCC was conducted in order to determine how the PVCC Senate and the Faculty Association might better serve them.
10. Faculty Senate President, Jeanne Franco, presented to the Governing Board in April a presentation titled "The Innovative, Faculty-Driven Activities, Programs and Initiatives at PVCC."
11. Mary Jane Dawe, Business Faculty, died April 1. A time for remembering her was held on campus, and the Women's Scholarship was re-named in her honor.
12. During summer, 1997, the committee structure will be re-visited and revised.
VII. Committee Reports
Professiona Growth - John Nelson reported that beginning in the fall the Professiona Growth applications can no longer be hand-carried to the district committee at the last minute. All PG requests must be in by August 29, 1997, instead of the old September 15th date. John will A-1 all Faculty with these changes prior to the end of this semester. We need another Professional Growth representative to replace Fred Wieck.
Apollo/Learning Connections/Enrollment Management/Employee Renewal/Technology Committee - Bob Bendotti - No Report.
Curriculum Committee - Marilyn reported that the District Curriculum Committee and relevant subcommittees of the DCC are still workinng to implement the report of the Transfer Articulation Task Force.
VIII. Information
Campus Committee Restructure - Bob Bendotti, Sally Rings, and Fred Stahl met to look at restructuring the Campus Committees. Concerns identified were the lack of equality in committee assignments, the need to evaluate the purpose of each committee, and committees that were formed during the 1996/97 year that are currently not on the committee document. Discussions have just begun, and it was decided that these and other concerns would be addressed over the summer.
IX. Adjournment
The Senate moved to adjourn at 4:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jeanne Franco, Senate Secretary