1. Bookstore/Food Services - Ad Hoc Committee: Considers policies and procedures resulting in the continuous improvement of the college's bookstore and food services. Reviews student, employee and leasee feedback to formulate recommendations to the bookstore manager and the manager of food services. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
2. Collegial Support Partnership Program (CSPP): Uses a partnership model to plan, implement and assess activities designed to help new faculty integrate into the college community. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
3. Cultural Diversity Committee: Explores cultural diversity issues. Plans, supports and assists in the implementation of cultural diver-sity initiatives designed to enrich student and organizational learning. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
4. Curriculum Committee: Reviews and responds to curriculum issues. Develops recommendations regarding curriculum at both the college and district level. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
8. Environmental Health & Safety Committee: Responsible for college-wide recommendations concerning OSHA regulations and other safety related issues. Coordinates with MCCD Hazardous
Materials Committee. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
9. Faculty Development Committee: Plans, implements and evaluates an annual program of work designed to assist in the professional and personal development of the college's faculty. Collaborates and coordinates with the Technology Coordinating Committee and other groups or individuals involved in training and development. Plans and implements the Annual Faculty Retreat. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
11. Honors Committee: Provides assistance and support to the college's Honors Program. Coordinates with the MCCD Honors Program and the college's Learning Connections Honors Focus Team. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
13. Learning Connections: Learning Connections -- a consortium including Paradise Valley Unified Schools, Cave Creek Unified Schools, Arizona State University West, Northern Arizona University-Phoenix, and Paradise Valley Community College -- identifies shared interests, anticipates and responds to needs, and integrates and coordinates plans, resources and activities. Two or more PVCC representatives serve on one of the following focus teams. Meeting dates. locations and times are determined by each Focus Team Intensity: High
D. Fine Arts
1. Alan Tongret
2. Fred Stahl (MAT)
3. Judi Anderson
4. Jack Sexton
E. Honors
1. Sherry Adams
2. Linda Knoblock
F. Library/Media
1. John Chavez
2. Shelle Witten
G. Math Reform
1. Phyllis Shaw
2. Patti Marsh
3. Mary Lou Mosely (MAT)
4. Donna Rebadow
H. Technology
1. Terry Grygiel
I. Careers in Education
1. Karen Kabrich
2. Joyce Janiga
3. Karen Winden
J. Executive Committee
1. Raul Cardenas
2. Fred Stahl
3. Bob Bendotti
Learning Connections PVCC Coordinators
1. Bob Bendotti
2. Anne Eller
15. Open Entry/Open Exit Committee: Explores issues and recommends policies and procedures relative to the college's prosposed and existing OE/OE programs. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
16. Scholarship Project Team: Responsible for developing criteria, screening and administering the college's scholarship awards program. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
17. Software Committee: Evaluates requests for software based on criteria established by the committee that are consistent with the college's Strategic Plan for Technology. Approves/ disapproves allocations from the college's software budget. Coordinates and communicates with the Technology Coordinating Committee. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
18. Strategic Planning Committee: Responsible for the analysis of internal and external trends and for the development of strategic and operational plans tied to budget development. Includes the budget committee and direct links to the Technology Coordinating Committee and to divisions and departments. Meeting Dates: 3rd Friday/each month except Oct. (4th Friday) and Dec. (no meeting). Time: 2 - 4 Location: B-208 Intensity: High
19. Student Leadership Development Committee: Plans and coordinates a leadership development program for PVCC students. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
20. Student, Academic and Administrative Support Services (SAASS) Committee: Considers impact of new policy and procedures on each of the three functional areas. Coordinates and collaborates in the development of plans and procedures that support learning at the college. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Moderate Time: Location:
21. Technology Coordinating Team: Develops and coordinates the college's strategic plan for technology. Serves as a coordinating and consulting body to the college's strategic planning committee, to divisions/departments, and to technolgy-focused project teams. Committee membership is based on a "skill set" model. Meeting Dates: Each Tuesday Intensity: Maximum Time: Noon - 2 p.m. Location: A-122
22. Web Development Committee: Proposes policies and procedures related to web development. Provides counsel and guidelines to the college's faculty and staff for the development of web pages to support teaching and learning and PVCC's administrative and instructional support services. Contributes to the success of the college's Strategic Plan for Technology by coordinating and communicating with the Technology Coordinating Committee. Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
23. Web Training Implementation Project Team: Develops a process for reviewing new software and hardware to be included in faculty/
staff training programs. Coordinates and communicates with the Web Training Project Team and the Web Development Committee. Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
24. Web Training Project Team: Plans and implements a pilot web training program for faculty and staff that supports the college's Strategic Plan for Technology. Coordinates the training initiative with the Web Development Committee, the Technology Coordin-ating Team and the college's faculty and staff developers. Meeting Dates: Intensity: High Time: Location:
1. PVCC Faculty Senate: Elected by the PVCC faculty. Serves as the college's faculty governance body. Anticipates and responds to issues that affect faculty activities and performance. Makes recom-mendations to the President for the improvement of the college. Meeting Dates: 1st Thurs. of month Intensity: Moderate Time: 3 p.m. Location: B-204
2. Staffing-RFP Project Team: Review the staffing needs of the college's academic programs. Establishes criteria and utilizes them for the prioritization of recommendations. Makes recommen-dations to the college's Strategic Planning Committee. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
3. Travel Committee: Reviews faculty requests to travel related to professional development. Based on the total faculty travel alloca-tion, the committee establishes the annual per faculty travel alloca-tion amount. Communicates with faculty regarding travel policies, procedures and resources. Meeting Dates: Intensity: Low Time: Location:
4. Professional Rights and Responsibilities Committee: Serves as a review and appeals board for issues concerning disagreements between faculty. Reports findings and makes recommendations to the PVCC Faculty Senate regarding the resolution of such issues. Meeting Dates: As Needed Intensity: Low Time: TBD Location: TBD