Maricopa Community College Faculty Association

Contact Your Legislators


  1. Use your address to identify your legislative district number, state Senator, and two state House Representatives
  2. U.S. Mail Address
    • Senator _________
      Capitol Complex
      1700 W. Washington
      Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890

    • Representative ______
      Capitol Complex
      1700 W. Washington
      Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890
  3. Write to all three legislators.  Your letters should be clear and to the point, using a positive tone.
  4. Start by identifying yourself as a citizen in their district, and a registered voter if you are so.  Make sure to include your return address.
  5. Make clear that you support the Capital Outlay appropriation for the entire community college system, not just for rural districts.
  6. Give one or more reasons why capital funding for community colleges should be a priority.  Below are several reasons to consider including (please paraphrase):
    • The Maricopa Community Colleges are working closely with the other nine organized districts to secure an increase in funding for ALL organized districts for FY 2014 – the first significant increase in years!
    • These monies will go directly to vital Community College programs such as Biomedical Technology Research, Nuclear Energy, and many others that meet Arizona’s workforce demands.  Students with this specialized training earn higher salaries and enjoy greater job security.
    • Community colleges, and particularly the Maricopa Community Colleges, are among the leading providers of workforce training in the state.
    • The size of the Maricopa system, in terms of number of students served as well as number of partnerships with business and industry, makes it a critical component in the economic recovery and growth of the stateee.
  7. Thank the legislator/aide for considering what you have written and ask them to please respond to you.


  1. Use your address to identify your legislative district number, state Senator, and two state House Representatives
  2. Click here for the phone number of your state Senator.
  3. Click here for the phone number of your two state Representatives.
  4. Your conversations should be clear and to the point, using a positive tone.
  5. Start by identifying yourself as a citizen in their district, and a registered voter if you are so.
  6. Make clear that you support the Capital Outlay appropriation for the entire community college system, not just for rural districts.
  7. Give one or more reasons why capital funding for community colleges should be a priority.  Below are several reasons to consider including (please paraphrase):
    • The Maricopa Community Colleges are working closely with the other nine organized districts to secure an increase in funding for ALL organized districts for FY 2014 – the first significant increase in years!
    • These monies will go directly to vital Community College programs such as Biomedical Technology Research, Nuclear Energy, and many others that meet Arizona’s workforce demands.  Students with this specialized training earn higher salaries and enjoy greater job security.
    • Community colleges, and particularly the Maricopa Community Colleges, are among the leading providers of workforce training in the state.
    • The size of the Maricopa system, in terms of number of students served as well as number of partnerships with business and industry, makes it a critical component in the economic recovery and growth of the stateee.
  8. Thank the legislator/aide for considering what you have said.


  1. Use your address to identify your legislative district number, state Senator, and two state House Representatives
  2. Click here for the email address of your state Senator.
  3. Click here for the email address of your two state Representatives.
  4. Your message should be clear and to the point, using a positive tone.
  5. Start by identifying yourself as a citizen in their district, and a registered voter if you are so.
  6. Make clear that you support the Capital Outlay appropriation for the entire community college system, not just for rural districts.
  7. Give one or more reasons why capital funding for community colleges should be a priority.  Below are several reasons to consider including (please paraphrase):
    • The Maricopa Community Colleges are working closely with the other nine organized districts to secure an increase in funding for ALL organized districts for FY 2014 – the first significant increase in years!
    • These monies will go directly to vital Community College programs such as Biomedical Technology Research, Nuclear Energy, and many others that meet Arizona’s workforce demands.  Students with this specialized training earn higher salaries and enjoy greater job security.
    • Community colleges, and particularly the Maricopa Community Colleges, are among the leading providers of workforce training in the state.
    • The size of the Maricopa system, in terms of number of students served as well as number of partnerships with business and industry, makes it a critical component in the economic recovery and growth of the state.
  8. Thank the legislator for considering what you have written and ask them to please respond to you.

Being a teaching professor is not just a job – it’s a calling.