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What you should Review Before Turning in Your Final Project

Pick a partner and post your review of their site on Blackboard!

Does the site meet the creators Stated objectives?

Is the site appropriate for the intended audience?

Does the site have Title Tags and Meta Tags on every page?

Does the site have contact information on every page?

Does the Website download quickly? (10 to 20 seconds max.)

Did you enjoy the site & would you return to this site in the future?

Does the layout of the page make sense? (text, color scheme & graphics)

What is the Quality of the content. (Typos& Grammar): Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement, Scrap

Is the text (font size, color & style) easy to read and does the font change? (two different fonts are ok but more is questionable)

Did they have italics or all caps on the page?

Can you easily find the information you consider critical?

What is the Quality of the graphics: Excellent, Good, Needs Improvement, Scrap

Are the graphics appropriate for the content?

Are the graphics size appropriate for the Webpage?

Does every page have contact information?

Dose navigating the site make sense?

Is the navigation of the site consistent (same type of info)?

Does every page have a link to the main page?

Does the navigation for the site remain on the same area of the page?

Does all the links on the pages work?

Does the site have Frames?

Does the site have Animation that continually runs on the main pages?

Does the site have sound files on the main pages?

Each topic will be evaluated and given a point value of between 1 - 5 (5 being excellent)