Bad website and why: |
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I did not think this web design was very good.
I did not think it was very good because of the poor layout design of the website, the design style that did not match the pages connected to the navigation bar, and the unresponsive buttons that were on the page.
To begin with, The layout of this webpage was different than what I am used to. There was a list on the right side of the webpage that held small ads. The ads stretched past the other pieces of information on the webpage, which made it uneven and much longer than the actual content on the page, which I thought was not a good design choice. I think that if the designer had to keep the ads, they could have made all the ads the same size and put them inside a grid that laid them out evenly on the side of the webpage.
Secondly, the pictures on the webpage were not the same size which, we were taught, was not a good design choice for a webpage.
Thirdly, the navigation bar led to web pages that looked like they were in other styles than the main webpage, therefore, there was not a consistent style. This is a bad design choice because the web design should give the viewer an idea of what this website has to offer in a clear simple way.
Lastly, not all of the buttons that said “link” worked on this webpage, which defeats their purpose.
Good website and why: |
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This was a good web design.
This was a good web design because the web page’s color scheme and layout were nice.
Firstly, I think the colors they went with for this website were well done.
Secondly, I think the picture placement by the designer was nicely done.
Thirdly, I think the website was user friendly. It was laid out in such a way that made it easy to click on and see the content.
Lastly, I like the way the page loads and how some of the content fades and slides in. To have some of the content fade and slide in, it gives the page a feeling of movement that keeps the webpage fresh.
Works Cited:
Dr. Tony Phillips and Chris Peat. 2019, . Accessed October 26th 2020., Flynn & Flynn Global Trade Limited. 2004, . Accessed October 26th 2020.
The layout was recommended to me by my sister.