

Address: Bag End, Hobbiton: The Shire


Phone: 555-287-4527

Professional Summary

I am a world traveler and as such have picked up many proficiencies during my journeys. I have served as a warrior, spy and guardian to kings. I have performed duties as a paid burglar. I have played hostage negotiator and ring-bearer. I have scaled the tallest mountains and slunk through the deepest dens. I have negotiated wars and partaken in them as well. Now however, I write, about my worldly experiences and the friend I have made and lost along the way.


Burglar: Tasked with the burglary and delivery of a horde of gold to the rightful owner of said treasure, one Thorin Oakensheild

Warrior: Served under Thorin Oakensheild. Engaged in combat in the Battle of five armys and lesser skirmishes with goblins and spiders.

Spy: Played agent to Thorin Oakensheild and his party in espionage and smuggling against the elves of Mirkwood and played agent in the ransom of the Arkenstone to the men of Lake-Town

Writer: I have written two books. There and Back Again and Translations from the Elvish.


I have no formal education, but have trained under the eye of the Grey Wizard Gandalf himself who chose me for my duty and stint as a burglar. From there I picked up enough experience to be rewarded one fourteenths share of the treasure of the Lonely Mountain within which the dwarven kingdom of Erebor was held.


Writing, Swordsmanship, Negotiation, Subterfuge, Burglary, Imitation, Cooking, Hosting, Rock throwing, Riddle spinning, Eagle riding, and Extermination