Browser Review

Google Chrome

Google Chrome Logo Visit Chrome

Google chrome is either my number 2 or number 1. I grew up using google chrome on the chromebooks in grade school and always found the browser to be simple, fast, and enjoyable.


Safari Logo Visit Safari

Safair is one of my favorites as-well. I think due to the main reason of me mostly owning a macbook and having a genral liking for apple. But I will say in my persoanl experience ive found that Google Chrome is a little more likeable becasue of all of the google acounts I have.


Firefox Logo Visit Firefox

I havnt used firefox all that much especially in my older teen years. Now that ive browsed around on the firefox home webpage ive noticed it's a bit moe visually enticing then safari and Chrome. It does take me down memory lane with the huge mac monitors in the computer lab in second grade.